
An input file parser for C++ projects

One of the first problems a person must tackle when writing a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver from scratch is the problem of getting input from a file into a program.

While many existing CFD solvers contain an input file parser that is sufficient for their needs, the group I was working in had no such luxury and was using an archaic input file system which was written in such a way as to be unparseable. The ParseLi project was started in 2015 as part of a video game project I was coding at the time. I found elements of this code helpful to reuse and quite intuitive to extend.

Its utility proved further useful in my studies at the University of Toronto so I made the decision to make it a standalone library; this was mainly so that I wouldn’t have to copy the code for the input file parser every time. ParseLi is a standalone library and has no affiliation or implied ownership to or by the University of Toronto.
