About Me


I am a Canadian Ph. D. student specializing in computational fluid dynamics. My professional interests are in teaching and computer programming. My personal interests are in computers, electronics, music, and art. I believe that a person should do work for the purpose of building the world that they want to live in; to that end, I believe that monetary compensation is simply a proof of contribution towards your own world vision (provided that you are working where you want to be).

Career Goal

To change the world towards my own vision through the distribution of knowledge.

Research Focus

Brooks is a student at the University of Toronto's Aerospace campus. He is a Ph. D. student studying high-order moment methods for modelling non-reactive sprays. His research in high-order moment methods can also be applied to non-equilibrium rarefied gas dynamics, and may present applications in areas completely unrelated to fluid dynamics. Any persons interested in multidisciplinary applications of these methods are encouraged to contact Brooks.

Research Highlights